Monday, December 29, 2008

Welcome to the new year

Boy am I glad to put 2008 behind me. There have been some really awful things to happen but then there have been some really great things. Unfortunatley, I tend to focus on the bad far more than the good. Brian still has a job and StrollerFit and core are going exceptionally well. We are healthy and happy and looking to 2009 with bright eyes. That being said......I want everyone to comment on the new motto of making 09' mine.

Winner gets a t-shirt. Blog away ladies, I love to hear from you.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Everything in Moderation

We had a party the other night for some of the kids that my older son hangs out with. In my mind I struggled with what to have and do at the party. It was only 2 hours we could get through it...right. Well we decided that party food was fine. Chips, pizza, cupcakes and we made smores'....were the kids going to become diabetic and become obese after one moderation ok, definately. The kids had a great time, the food wasn't all consumed and I am sure that the kids went home and went back to their daily routine of eating their colors and drinking their milk. Here is my take. Keep it in moderation. Don't deprive you or your children of things. I had friends in grade school and high school who weren't allowed to have candy or cookies, well they did, they just hid it or when they were allowed they ate the entire box. These kids were as heavy and as unhealthy as kids who ate fast food for every meal.

With Halloween coming, I hope as adults we can all sit back and think. Candy is not bad as long as it is not the entire bag. So let your little ones enjoy a bit, set limits, but don't eliminate. I think all of you will be happier in the end.

Don't make food a taboo. Instead make physical activity a priority. Enjoy life, it is too short.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fall and Winter Clothes


This is easier to put on here than on constant contact because they have picture restricitons. So here is the fall line:

The sweetest thing capri. The skirt with the capri's underneath. Really cute look. Size m-xl. Cost is $55

Pink shirt is the tattoo shirt. Cost is $40. mommymuscle logo'ed on the front.

The tough girl skirt (blue with black leggings that are attached) retails for $90 our price is $75. The jacket to match blue jacket is very slimming. Cost is $55.

Mojito green gym girl skirt $45
Footloose white tank with green piping to match is$40
StrollerDiva brown thermal with pink rhinestone in StrollerDiva is $25 size down
mommymuscle camo is $18 size up

For the kid: The camo is $12.00 and the tee is $10. Camo is size 12-18, 2t, 3t, 4t. The tee is 2t, 3t, 4t, 5/6j and 7.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Eat like a caveman....

Day one of the newest challenge:

Eat like a caveman.

Try to make 90% of what you put into your body come from the earth. (carrots, apples, lean proteins)...if you can't find it in a garden or a field you probably don't need it. Cut back on processed and sugar filled things. Once you get into the groove you'll never look back.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Ok ladies here it is:

Nutrition goals:
1. Eat your five everyday. Five colors in five servings and you will feel great. Eating a variety of colors is a great way to get your nutrients in on a daily basis. Here is a great website to help you and your children get in your fruits and veggies. The best part of the challenge is to have your kids eat their five colors also.

Also, check out the glycemic index of foods. Here is an easy way to do this.
Did you know that eating foods with HIGH glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) can increase your risk for many chronic illnesses such as: cancer, obesity, heart disease, high cholesterol, type 2 and gestational diabetes, and inflammatory disorders. So...what exactly ARE GI and GL? In this blog we will explore their importance in the diet and how to maintain a healthy diet.

GI is used to categorize foods that are eaten with regard to their effect on the relative rise in blood sugar (or glucose). The higher the GI of a food, the faster it is expected to increase blood sugar levels. SUGAR and WHITE BREAD have the highest possible GI sccore of 100. All other foods are scored from 1-100 depending on how they compare to sugar and white bread....(I don't know about you, but that throws up a red flag to me! Sounds like we don't need to eat much sugar and white bread!) I know, they sure taste good. Don't worry, you don't have to eliminate them from your diet. We will talk below about ways to combat those high GI foods! Unlike foods with a high GI that cause spikes in blood sugar - leaving us feeling tired and hungry - foods with a low GI are absorbed SLOWLY in the bloodstream, allowing a slow and consistent rise and fall in blood sugar (our bodies prefer to be in a more 'stable' state such as this....your body functions much more efficiently with a stable blood sugar level.)GL gives us a clearer description of HOW MUCH sugar is available from a food.

GL is categorized into ranges on a scale: 0-10=low; 11-19=medium; 20+ = high. So it's best to take GL into consideration too. BUT neither GI nor GL take into account the nutrients in food, which can be very important too! Take into consideration these examples:Carrots: HIGH GI (92) but LOW GL (4) - they release sugar into the blood stream quickly, but only have a small amount of sugar in the first placeWatermelon: HIGH GI (72) but LOW GL (4) - since watermelon is mainly water, it contains little sugar per servingCandy Bars: with minimal nutrients, these typically have low GIs but at least MEDIUM level GLs - that means quick rise in blood sugar, and little to offer you in the way of efficient fuel

2. Keep your food journal and watch for BLT's. Bites, licks and tastes those all add up and once you log those you may find out why your weightloss isn't as much as you think it should be.

3. Watch your sodium intake. It makes you retain water and it causes you to be more likely to have high blood pressure.

Fitness Challenge:

1. 12 minute mile for ALL by the end of October.
2. If you can do a 12 minute mile, look to drop 3o seconds to 1 minute off of your mile time.
3. Attend 80% of all StrollerFit or restore the core classes offered.
4. Check you BMI (body mass index) and try to drop it by 2% by the end of October.
5. Try to lose 1 inch around your waist, biceps and hips.

good luck!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The first day of school

Well the first day of school went EXCELLENT. Jake didn't cry..yep I did. He was so grown up. On the way to school in the car, he told Max not to yell for him in the car because he wouldn't be there...but he was coming back. It seemed like an eternity until pick-up time...when he came out he proclaimed that he was good today and he was so proud of himself. Max had a tough time without Jake. He freaked out in childcare at the YMCA and yelled for Jake a lot of the time. All in all a great day. Congrats to Griffin who also did well today.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Jake's new personal best

Well folks...Jake is hot on the tail of some of you for an average mile time. He ran the Harvest Home 1 mile before the race in 11 minutes. I couldn't have been more proud. He didn't stop...he thought about it but a very kind Cheviot policeman told him to keep going so he kept at it.

On another note: Thank you for all of your prayers for Brian's mom and his family. The surgery went well. They removed her spleen, part of her colon, the lining of her liver, the lining of her diaphragm, her omentum and a pelvic tumor. The masses have been sent off to be biopsied and hopefully by Monday or Tuesday they will know what they are dealing with. She is in the ICU but is expected to be out by the end of the weekend to a normal room. She will be in the hospital for about a week and a half.