Monday, October 20, 2008

Everything in Moderation

We had a party the other night for some of the kids that my older son hangs out with. In my mind I struggled with what to have and do at the party. It was only 2 hours we could get through it...right. Well we decided that party food was fine. Chips, pizza, cupcakes and we made smores'....were the kids going to become diabetic and become obese after one moderation ok, definately. The kids had a great time, the food wasn't all consumed and I am sure that the kids went home and went back to their daily routine of eating their colors and drinking their milk. Here is my take. Keep it in moderation. Don't deprive you or your children of things. I had friends in grade school and high school who weren't allowed to have candy or cookies, well they did, they just hid it or when they were allowed they ate the entire box. These kids were as heavy and as unhealthy as kids who ate fast food for every meal.

With Halloween coming, I hope as adults we can all sit back and think. Candy is not bad as long as it is not the entire bag. So let your little ones enjoy a bit, set limits, but don't eliminate. I think all of you will be happier in the end.

Don't make food a taboo. Instead make physical activity a priority. Enjoy life, it is too short.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fall and Winter Clothes


This is easier to put on here than on constant contact because they have picture restricitons. So here is the fall line:

The sweetest thing capri. The skirt with the capri's underneath. Really cute look. Size m-xl. Cost is $55

Pink shirt is the tattoo shirt. Cost is $40. mommymuscle logo'ed on the front.

The tough girl skirt (blue with black leggings that are attached) retails for $90 our price is $75. The jacket to match blue jacket is very slimming. Cost is $55.

Mojito green gym girl skirt $45
Footloose white tank with green piping to match is$40
StrollerDiva brown thermal with pink rhinestone in StrollerDiva is $25 size down
mommymuscle camo is $18 size up

For the kid: The camo is $12.00 and the tee is $10. Camo is size 12-18, 2t, 3t, 4t. The tee is 2t, 3t, 4t, 5/6j and 7.