Sunday, June 22, 2008

Old Blogs but worth the read...

These are blogs from the hip to be mom website.

May 13, 2008 I just finished reading Fitness Magazine's article about Elizabeth Hasslebeck and how she got her pre-baby body back after only SEVEN weeks. It went on to explain she has a coach, a nutritionist a name it she had it. Is that really fair? In the land of Hollywood it is, but she really doesn't deserve to be on the cover of a magazine and claim that she lost all of her weight without dieting. I have and never will understand why fitness and health magazines can't celebrate the everyday mom. The mom who if she wants to train for a marathon or race pushes her kid(s) in a single, double or even triple jogger. The mom who if she wants to train for duathlon or triathalon puts her kids in the bike trailer and tows them along for her 20 plus mile ride, all of the time promising treats if her kids will just be good for another mile. Or how about the mom who gets up at 4:00am so that she can hit the pool or run because that is the only time that she has. I could go on and on. I am the ordinary everyday mom. I just got back from riding my bike with my kids in the trailer, promising my three year old the entire way that I would get him an icecream when we were done. I also am the mom that runs with my double jogger to train for races sometimes with both kids screaming. Why? The answer is simple, I am an athlete, I am a mom and I believe that you can be both with a little drive and determination. I am setting great examples for my kids. My three year old just ran a 1.2 mile race in 17 minutes and loved every minute of it. He loves to be in the bike trailer and tells me to pick up the pace. Today he asked me where the gas went in to the bike, I explained that my legs were the gas and then he asked about the engine, I explained that it was my heart. He asked a hundred questions in the course of my ride all of them being answered to the best of my ability. My running and riding time with my kids provides a time for conversation with my three year old and me, time I won't get back, time uninterrupted by tv or pleas to go outside and ride his bike or fish. It is time that I cherish. Until next time, happy mothering.

May 18, 2008 Believing in yourself is 99% of the battle. Today I watched many athletes participate in a triathlon, duathlon and 5k run walk. Many of the tri and du'ers were newbies...very nervous about everything from where to rack their bike to how cold was the pool (54 degrees to be exact..better wear a wetsuit). I watched people who if I saw them out in public, I would never guess them to be any type of athlete. However, they got to the start line and once you are there you can't turn back or at least you shouldn't . I watched a friend achieve a personal best...which she should be able to do all of the time but she didn't believe in herself until today. Believing is achieving and my hope is that everyone believes enough in themselves to get to some type of start line. It doesn't have to be a race or anything athletic...just start something you believe in and achieve it. By the way, my three year old believed he could do a 5k and well you guessed it he did in 54 minutes. Believe Achieve Repeat.

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