Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fat Max is so happy that it is summer. He is truly a great little guy.

Jake loves his 5k races. This one was a 4 miler a

a little too long for three year old legs.

Happy summer. I feel like I have been blogging and not givng info about the goings on. So for those of you who read this for StrollerFit type will have to bear with me. Our summer has been great, well until recently. Jake and Max LOVED Florida and the beach and of course Disney. What a great place to go if you want to feel like a kid again. Jake has learned to jump off of the diving board and swim to the side....this is a HUGE deal because he is no longer crying when he is in the pool. He is a true fish. Jake has also done 2 5k races...and has his sights on whatever we run next. He is such a determined little boy, sometimes it is scary. Finally, he started riding his bike without training wheels....who would've thought that would happen at three?

Max is great. He has the best little disposition and is so easy going. He has a little hot streak when he gets mad and I am going to say he comes by that honestly. Still has only two teeth and will be 11 months next month.

We are going to miss our great friends when they move to Nashville...but it will be a great adventure for them and their family. Also, they have the neatest half marathon in the spring there...there is truly nothing like Tennessee hospitality and kindness. I kind of envy them for their new start and their new outlook on life. However, Jake is going to miss his buddies and I am going to miss my friend. Everyone should have one friend who grounds you, who doesn't let you get out of control, who makes you really mad at times and then everything is fine. It is hard to find a friend like that and as an only child I was super lucky to find her. However, as she has said she will be one phone call away....Cincinnati Bell wireless is going to love us :)

Keep Brian's family in your prayers as his mom goes through this difficult time.

We will be posting more of our late summer adventures. Remember to believe achieve and then repeat. Goals are yours for the taking.

In health,


Monday, July 21, 2008

Life back to normal ?

My mother in law has the big "c". ...for those of you who are confused that means cancer. It is in the appendix (1 % of the population gets this) and it is in her abdomen. They are going to do a procedure in the next month called a de-bulking surgery. They will basically cut out all of the cancer...which means she will lose part of her colon and most likely her spleen...then they will dump hot chemo on the area and treat it. So any keep praying.

But the blog is back about the food:

Exercise: StrollerFit and restore the core

Breakfast: blueberries and a low fat mozerella cheese stick
Lunch: spinach salad no dressing with turkey and blueberries and a tomato
Dinner: Chicken cutlett, cauliflower and beans with a little bit of cheese.

Not bad at all. Hey, MB got my protein in :)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

No "Lake-ation"

Yep we are supposed to be on Lake-ation as Jake has been calling it, our annual pilgrimage to Lake Norris in Tennessee. As of Friday evening that was cancelled, then on again, now obviously off again. Brian's mom got sick and now is in the hospital...she has pretty nasty infection in her abdomen from what they believe is appendicitis..but they also hinted (ok not really) suggested there is a cancer there too. So my week of relaxation has become a week of worry for my husband and his mom.

However, emotional eaters I want you to know that I have not jumped into the chocolate or crap that is good. If you can find something good with all of this.

Keep her and her family in your prayers.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Swim lessons, class, where does the day go

ok..since the holiday my eating has stunk with a capital S. I haven't been eating a great deal but the junk I am putting in my mouth is not good.

Breakfast none
Lunch: cheerios with blue berries
snacked on a few chips, cheetos and doritos...only had a few of each
Dinner: piece of pizza and a beer
more diet coke today than needed.
Exercise: Restore the core

Anyway, how do some super moms do it? Today I had my oldest in swim lessons, my youngest was screaming..I am sure he was hungry but the formula was in the car...all I had on me was a peanut butter and jelly which I gave to my 10 month old...ok all the moms who just gasped I know he is now going to have a peanut allergy but desperate times definately called for desperate measures. I spent the very expensive half an hour swim lesson bribing my oldest to kick and pull with his arms. Funny enough he swam across the pool no problem...are you freaking kidding me. Total overload.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Back on track

The holiday weekend is I am hoping to get back on track with the blog. I didn't do too poorly this weekend, except for homemade mac n' cheese. Otherwise it went pretty well. I did snack on things that I shouldn't have but I didn't have too many chips or dip.

Exercise. I ran on Sunday we did a lot of hills and inclines (my legs are killing me).

Jake is riding a two wheeler alone. That is the biggest part of our weekend.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


I just realized that some StrollerFit owners are reading the blog...that is really cool. I wanted to share this with you from one of my participants. There are days when I think going back to my job as a physical therapist would be far easier and 1/2 the work and then I get things like this. Enjoy the read and grab a tissue.

I never did a day of exercise. That's not to say that I didn't try--sort of. I joined some exercise classes in college, but I stood in the back row and felt ridiculous/ I bought roller blades when they were popular and broke my tail bone. I dieted once down to a size 6 and was happy enough with my size, but I wasn't in any kind of shape---my exercise then was to twitch---I read that naturally skinny people stayed thin because they couldn't sit still, so when I talked on the phone I tapped my foot.. I was very similar to Bridget Jones of the diary fame. > > > > A friend of mine joined stroller fit, so I thought if she could go, I could go. I had been interested in it before, but I felt a little intimidated. I made up my mind, and decided it was now or never on a cold day last March. My baby was 11 weeks old and I had a two year old. I don't know how I got there---I was still trying to figure out how to get two kids ready, I had just started back to work, did I take the baby in his car seat and then put him in the jogger?After a few tries the answer was yes--take him in the carrier. It rained every time I went. I was ready to be done after the warm up. I could not keep up with the fit girls---not even close. I felt ugly, and fat, and so out of my element. But I kept going. I took lots of advil. I cried and cried because I thought everyone was making fun of me--always two laps behind. But I realized they would only make fun of me if I quit--and I realized it would never be any harder than the first day. I kept going. And then one day I didn't walk at all. And then one day I wasn't last. > > What I didn't know at the time, was just how important this exercise would be to me. I knew I needed to have energy to keep up with two small boys, and I knew turning 40 it wouldn't be any easier, Slowly, but surely my weight melted away. My body changed--people think I am skinny. I was always the fat, funny friend people liked to have around--not the petite athletic one I am today. I ran a mile today teaching my oldest how to pedal a two wheeler. I ran a 5k race with my sister--the skinny marathoner--and now we run them all the time. I just didn't think it was possible. > > I also didn't think it was possible ;that the rest of my life would turn out the was it has--I had know idea that my husband would lose his mind and leave me. I just can't believe it. I am alone with two small children, a full time job, and the laundry and the yard work and the cleaning and bathtime,and........if it weren't for strollerfit I would not make it through. So maybe I 'll do a triathalon, or maybe I 'll be able to do a 5k with my stroller. I guess nothing is impossible.

oops forgot to blog

ok Tues and Weds are a blur. Here is what I know...without breakfast I crumble. No breakfast yesterday and I went to the office and had a handful of m&m's and some of Jake's cheetos at lunch. Tuesday I did pretty well except for a cookie or two. I am hoping to stay on track today. I have no clue about Brian he is a blur to me, we pass when I leave for class and he comes home from work and after the kids are in bed one or the both of us are asleep on the couch.

Exercise for me:
Tuesday: RTC class no cardio
Weds: nothing

The Human Race put on by Nike. There isn't one in Cincinnati but I have been training and uploading my training to have one of those nifty little chips. Anyway, the race is on 8.31.08 and I am trying to get some people together to run the 6.2 miles. So if you are interested let me know.

Blog at you later.