Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fat Max is so happy that it is summer. He is truly a great little guy.

Jake loves his 5k races. This one was a 4 miler a

a little too long for three year old legs.

Happy summer. I feel like I have been blogging and not givng info about the goings on. So for those of you who read this for StrollerFit type will have to bear with me. Our summer has been great, well until recently. Jake and Max LOVED Florida and the beach and of course Disney. What a great place to go if you want to feel like a kid again. Jake has learned to jump off of the diving board and swim to the side....this is a HUGE deal because he is no longer crying when he is in the pool. He is a true fish. Jake has also done 2 5k races...and has his sights on whatever we run next. He is such a determined little boy, sometimes it is scary. Finally, he started riding his bike without training wheels....who would've thought that would happen at three?

Max is great. He has the best little disposition and is so easy going. He has a little hot streak when he gets mad and I am going to say he comes by that honestly. Still has only two teeth and will be 11 months next month.

We are going to miss our great friends when they move to Nashville...but it will be a great adventure for them and their family. Also, they have the neatest half marathon in the spring there...there is truly nothing like Tennessee hospitality and kindness. I kind of envy them for their new start and their new outlook on life. However, Jake is going to miss his buddies and I am going to miss my friend. Everyone should have one friend who grounds you, who doesn't let you get out of control, who makes you really mad at times and then everything is fine. It is hard to find a friend like that and as an only child I was super lucky to find her. However, as she has said she will be one phone call away....Cincinnati Bell wireless is going to love us :)

Keep Brian's family in your prayers as his mom goes through this difficult time.

We will be posting more of our late summer adventures. Remember to believe achieve and then repeat. Goals are yours for the taking.

In health,


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