Thursday, July 3, 2008


I just realized that some StrollerFit owners are reading the blog...that is really cool. I wanted to share this with you from one of my participants. There are days when I think going back to my job as a physical therapist would be far easier and 1/2 the work and then I get things like this. Enjoy the read and grab a tissue.

I never did a day of exercise. That's not to say that I didn't try--sort of. I joined some exercise classes in college, but I stood in the back row and felt ridiculous/ I bought roller blades when they were popular and broke my tail bone. I dieted once down to a size 6 and was happy enough with my size, but I wasn't in any kind of shape---my exercise then was to twitch---I read that naturally skinny people stayed thin because they couldn't sit still, so when I talked on the phone I tapped my foot.. I was very similar to Bridget Jones of the diary fame. > > > > A friend of mine joined stroller fit, so I thought if she could go, I could go. I had been interested in it before, but I felt a little intimidated. I made up my mind, and decided it was now or never on a cold day last March. My baby was 11 weeks old and I had a two year old. I don't know how I got there---I was still trying to figure out how to get two kids ready, I had just started back to work, did I take the baby in his car seat and then put him in the jogger?After a few tries the answer was yes--take him in the carrier. It rained every time I went. I was ready to be done after the warm up. I could not keep up with the fit girls---not even close. I felt ugly, and fat, and so out of my element. But I kept going. I took lots of advil. I cried and cried because I thought everyone was making fun of me--always two laps behind. But I realized they would only make fun of me if I quit--and I realized it would never be any harder than the first day. I kept going. And then one day I didn't walk at all. And then one day I wasn't last. > > What I didn't know at the time, was just how important this exercise would be to me. I knew I needed to have energy to keep up with two small boys, and I knew turning 40 it wouldn't be any easier, Slowly, but surely my weight melted away. My body changed--people think I am skinny. I was always the fat, funny friend people liked to have around--not the petite athletic one I am today. I ran a mile today teaching my oldest how to pedal a two wheeler. I ran a 5k race with my sister--the skinny marathoner--and now we run them all the time. I just didn't think it was possible. > > I also didn't think it was possible ;that the rest of my life would turn out the was it has--I had know idea that my husband would lose his mind and leave me. I just can't believe it. I am alone with two small children, a full time job, and the laundry and the yard work and the cleaning and bathtime,and........if it weren't for strollerfit I would not make it through. So maybe I 'll do a triathalon, or maybe I 'll be able to do a 5k with my stroller. I guess nothing is impossible.

1 comment:

Peggy Welge said...

I love this post! I must have read it 5 times already. I gives me a heavy heart knowing that one of our friends is going through this, but if she can do it, so can I.