Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Swim lessons, class, where does the day go

ok..since the holiday my eating has stunk with a capital S. I haven't been eating a great deal but the junk I am putting in my mouth is not good.

Breakfast none
Lunch: cheerios with blue berries
snacked on a few chips, cheetos and doritos...only had a few of each
Dinner: piece of pizza and a beer
more diet coke today than needed.
Exercise: Restore the core

Anyway, how do some super moms do it? Today I had my oldest in swim lessons, my youngest was screaming..I am sure he was hungry but the formula was in the car...all I had on me was a peanut butter and jelly which I gave to my 10 month old...ok all the moms who just gasped I know he is now going to have a peanut allergy but desperate times definately called for desperate measures. I spent the very expensive half an hour swim lesson bribing my oldest to kick and pull with his arms. Funny enough he swam across the pool no problem...are you freaking kidding me. Total overload.


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