Thursday, June 26, 2008

No rain in days, but today when I decide to run....

ok..dont' we have enough obstacles in life. Went to the optional cardio get together that we have on Thursday mornings...where were you my friends? Did 3.6 miles of power walking/jogging kids in tow in the stroller. Decided that it would be an excellent night to run to my husband's softball game and since that generally means beer and some coneys it was an easy decision. I drive to where I decided to start running from with the end point being the ball field, 4.5 easy miles. I saw it getting dark but I could out run it, right! Ha ha ha. I was completely poured on but I was half way there not knowing to go back or not. Then it really started raining really really hard and that is when I decided to stop at the church and wait for someone to come get me. So run time wasted and no beer or cheesy fries at the ballpark. I do want to thank the number of Our Lady of Visitation folks who stopped on the street and offered to give me a ride...that was very very kind.

Katie's Day:

Exercise listed above

Breakfast: oatmeal and strawberries water
Lunch: two peaches and a diet coke
Snacking: 3 pretzel rods, 2 doritos
Dinner: a coney and skyline crackers with a diet coke
Ok so not a great day.

Brian's Log:
No exercise except running from the softball field in a terrential downpour.

Breakfast: nothing
Snacking: 2 cans of mt. dew and 1 can of coke
Lunch: 1.5 oz of cheese its and a banana
Dinner: 1 coney
Snacking again: 4 pretzel rods, 2 slices of cheese and crackers

If Rachel is reading this she is laughing out loud about the pop thing.

Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

Eileen said...

what about breakfast?????Mountain Dew will kill you---switch to coffee--add cream and you'll have some dairy.