Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The times are changing

As I sit here and blog about this, I am thinking that most of you are going to think that I have lost my mind. My youngest will be one in a matter of minutes and my oldest will start pre-school in a couple of weeks. So my mommy role is changing a bit and quite honestly it is freaking me out. Forever, I have been able to control who my oldest talks to, spends time with, plays with and how he behaves. Now I have to let go a little and let him go to school. Questions are pouring into my head. What if kids are mean to him? What if he is bad? What if he uses the poopy word at school? What if he doesn't have the right shoes? What if he has an accident which he hasn't done in almost a year? What if he does something that makes people think I am a bad mom. What if, what if what if? I have a problem with worrying about things I can't control and this is one of them. I am also going to miss Jake for the hours he is gone. Jake and I have been business associates for three years. He has always come along with me to Strollerfit, sometimes to restore the core and often times to the office. His schedule has been modified to meet mine and mine to his. I think my problem is that sometimes I need Jake, more than he needs me. The same goes for Max. I gave up my profession, the ability to contribute financially to our family income and my identity as a professional to be a MOM. I wouldn't trade it for the world, but as my kids become more independent, they will seemingly need me less. That kind of freaks me out.

I addressed this with my friend, Sarah, who recently moved to Nashville. I can pretty much tell her anything without her thinking that I am going nuts. She said some of the same things. She has stayed home for 10 yrs... all the time running errands with her kids and planning her day around them. When they moved she found out that her kindergartner would be going to school all day. She said she flipped out. What was she going to do with only one kid at home all day.

A mom's role changes on a daily basis and milestones cause moms to change more. I guess the one thing that remains is that the day we all became moms we knew the most important job was to love our kids no matter what. I do know that I am good at that job.

In health,


Medal Count

Anyone know the total Olympic medal count for the USA? Oh yes and I have been leading all of you down the wrong path on have to sign into my acct to blog so if you are interested shoot me an email and I will give you the proper sign in...sorry...beginner blogger error!

Friday, August 22, 2008

A word from Sarah in the Western Hills class

Hey all...see below...Sarah wanted me to forward this to all of you.

Hi Katie,

Not sure if you remember me talking about how I had to go to an orthopedic surgeon a few weeks ago...well, I did and my MRI shows severe stress injury. He said I was about 2 weeks from a full blown fracture and being on crutches for 3 months.

Unfortunately, this means I won't be able to continue with StrollerFit for at least a few months. I am not allowed to do basically anything for a month. I am only allowed to walk (short distances) and do upper body/core strengthening.

I see him again in a month to see if there is improvement and if so, I will have to complete his "back to running" 8 week program to get my legs and knees strong again.

I am so depressed about this. I had FINALLY found something that made working out fun, and I was starting to feel my body get more in shape. It was a perfect fit for me. I was crying to my doctor and I think he thought I was wacko, but having a baby totally changed my body and I was finally determined to get it back into shape. I was so excited to start running the 5Ks with you all.

Anyways, sorry this is a novel. I am just very upset about it, but wanted to let you know how thankful I am for everyone's support in the short month I was in the program. It's a great group of women, and I'm sad I can't be a part of it for now. I was going to write on your blog to thank everyone for pushing me, but couldn't figure out how to post. Just please extend my thanks to everyone. Hopefully I will be emailing you again in a few months.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Jo Lo...really are you kidding me?

I was just reading a blog written by someone who interviewed Jo Lo. Jo Lo commented that Michael Phleps was no big deal...really are you kidding me? The reason behind this was because she said she is a mom of 6 month old twins and she is training for a triathlon. is my beef....Jo Lo has trainers, nannies, nutritionists, coaches...she has it all, so how is she different than any other celebrity. I am sure that Michael has this too, however until recently he didn't have millions and an entourage. So who is she to talk about how difficult training is. Training for any race or event is difficult...but honestly let's celebrate the regular Joe or Jane who has to train and find or pay a sitter or train in the middle of the night or at 4am or better yet who pushes her kids in the stroller while running or who pulls them in a trailer while biking.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Finally found a punishment that works...

Most of the time my three year old is a great kid. Listens well, sits in the stroller does what he is told. But sometimes he tries to push the envelope and I finally found the answer for what to do. I have threatened to take away toys put him in time name it his little hard head just finds a way to aggrevate the situation more. So yesterday, he kept whining and very quietly I asked him to come to me, I took his hand led him to the corner and made him put his nose in the corner and stand there. Ok...I think he was shocked there was no yelling involved and he stood there and then apologized...super nanny would be so proud.

Staying the course

Everyday I get up and have the best intentions to workout in some fashion. Most of the time it is StrollerFit class and then restore the core. However, some days I like to power walk with the kids in the stroller and go on an adventure with them. That being said...this week my mom is at home because she had ankle surgery and we are hanging out there all day helping her get around the house and I have made some of the biggest excuses why NOT to exercise.

I am really frustrated with myself, but I just don't have the drive this determination in the words of my late grandpa no how do you find the drive when it is just not there. I will let you know during the next post b/c I haven't found it yet :)

In health.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Is there a silver lining to Dara's silver medal?

So as much as we cheered for her to get gold, it just wasn't meant to be. Is there a silver lining? I would say most definately. Dara and the Americans did an awesome job. Dara has defined motherhood by Olympic definition. We should all be proud to be moms. As I always say...believe achieve repeat. Dara did this and she rocks!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


My oldest son knew who Michael Jordan was before he was two. He could pick out the Michael Jordan logo on anything even before that. I guess to some Michael is a hero, he could dunk like no one else, he made a presence on and off the court...he was just an all around great basketball player. But I don't know that I would call him an athletic hero. He gets paid millions still for clothing that has the signature jump man and has mansions all over the country.

The olympics have brought about some heroes in my mind. Of course Michael Phelps...who my three year old jumps up and down on the couch and SCREAMS go Michael go Michael and Dara Torres. We had a camp out in my husband and my room last night. Jake was supposed to sleep in his tent but of course ended up in my bed. In the dark with the light of the tv illuminating his face he watched Dara Torres qualify. I explained to Jake that she was a mom, much older than the rest of the field and that she trained very hard to show the world what moms of every age can achieve if they put their minds to it. She is my hero.

I guess hero can be defined anyway you want it to, but the biggest heroes in my life are the moms and dads who everyday strive to raise the best children possible, lead a decent life, have some type of faith and walk an honest path. My heroes definately include Dara Torres, but also all of the moms in my stroller fitness class, StrollerFit and those moms who work daily at being the best mom and role model there is in this world. All moms should get gold medals...if Dara wins gold I think she will have a gold that all moms should be proud of.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

I love the olympics

The olympics are could possibly be one of my favorite things. The opening ceremonies always make me shed a tear or two. The representation of nations where shoes are a true luxury is always so awesome to see. I think about the athletes having to struggle to find a way to get to the olympics...but they find a way. I would imagine some of the most impoverished countries trade goats or other livestock for shoes and transportation. I would love to see their faces when they step on the plane for the first time and it was a true thrill to see them walk into olympic stadium aka "the bird's nest" and hearing the crowd cheering. These athletes are truly heroes. Their training is often scattered because of lack of facilities and coaches. They often run on dirt roads with no shoes. Which brings me to this my friends...

We live in the wealthiest country in the nation. We are offered opportunities for exercise and fitness at every corner. So why do some of us not take that opportunity. Don't you think the athletes from the poor nations would love to have what we have. Just something to think about next time you don't think you want to run or want to instead watch tv. One of the best gifts that America has given us is the freedom to do it and stop making excuses.