Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Jo Lo...really are you kidding me?

I was just reading a blog written by someone who interviewed Jo Lo. Jo Lo commented that Michael Phleps was no big deal...really are you kidding me? The reason behind this was because she said she is a mom of 6 month old twins and she is training for a triathlon. is my beef....Jo Lo has trainers, nannies, nutritionists, coaches...she has it all, so how is she different than any other celebrity. I am sure that Michael has this too, however until recently he didn't have millions and an entourage. So who is she to talk about how difficult training is. Training for any race or event is difficult...but honestly let's celebrate the regular Joe or Jane who has to train and find or pay a sitter or train in the middle of the night or at 4am or better yet who pushes her kids in the stroller while running or who pulls them in a trailer while biking.

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