Monday, December 29, 2008

Welcome to the new year

Boy am I glad to put 2008 behind me. There have been some really awful things to happen but then there have been some really great things. Unfortunatley, I tend to focus on the bad far more than the good. Brian still has a job and StrollerFit and core are going exceptionally well. We are healthy and happy and looking to 2009 with bright eyes. That being said......I want everyone to comment on the new motto of making 09' mine.

Winner gets a t-shirt. Blog away ladies, I love to hear from you.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Everything in Moderation

We had a party the other night for some of the kids that my older son hangs out with. In my mind I struggled with what to have and do at the party. It was only 2 hours we could get through it...right. Well we decided that party food was fine. Chips, pizza, cupcakes and we made smores'....were the kids going to become diabetic and become obese after one moderation ok, definately. The kids had a great time, the food wasn't all consumed and I am sure that the kids went home and went back to their daily routine of eating their colors and drinking their milk. Here is my take. Keep it in moderation. Don't deprive you or your children of things. I had friends in grade school and high school who weren't allowed to have candy or cookies, well they did, they just hid it or when they were allowed they ate the entire box. These kids were as heavy and as unhealthy as kids who ate fast food for every meal.

With Halloween coming, I hope as adults we can all sit back and think. Candy is not bad as long as it is not the entire bag. So let your little ones enjoy a bit, set limits, but don't eliminate. I think all of you will be happier in the end.

Don't make food a taboo. Instead make physical activity a priority. Enjoy life, it is too short.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Fall and Winter Clothes


This is easier to put on here than on constant contact because they have picture restricitons. So here is the fall line:

The sweetest thing capri. The skirt with the capri's underneath. Really cute look. Size m-xl. Cost is $55

Pink shirt is the tattoo shirt. Cost is $40. mommymuscle logo'ed on the front.

The tough girl skirt (blue with black leggings that are attached) retails for $90 our price is $75. The jacket to match blue jacket is very slimming. Cost is $55.

Mojito green gym girl skirt $45
Footloose white tank with green piping to match is$40
StrollerDiva brown thermal with pink rhinestone in StrollerDiva is $25 size down
mommymuscle camo is $18 size up

For the kid: The camo is $12.00 and the tee is $10. Camo is size 12-18, 2t, 3t, 4t. The tee is 2t, 3t, 4t, 5/6j and 7.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Eat like a caveman....

Day one of the newest challenge:

Eat like a caveman.

Try to make 90% of what you put into your body come from the earth. (carrots, apples, lean proteins)...if you can't find it in a garden or a field you probably don't need it. Cut back on processed and sugar filled things. Once you get into the groove you'll never look back.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008


Ok ladies here it is:

Nutrition goals:
1. Eat your five everyday. Five colors in five servings and you will feel great. Eating a variety of colors is a great way to get your nutrients in on a daily basis. Here is a great website to help you and your children get in your fruits and veggies. The best part of the challenge is to have your kids eat their five colors also.

Also, check out the glycemic index of foods. Here is an easy way to do this.
Did you know that eating foods with HIGH glycemic index (GI) and glycemic load (GL) can increase your risk for many chronic illnesses such as: cancer, obesity, heart disease, high cholesterol, type 2 and gestational diabetes, and inflammatory disorders. So...what exactly ARE GI and GL? In this blog we will explore their importance in the diet and how to maintain a healthy diet.

GI is used to categorize foods that are eaten with regard to their effect on the relative rise in blood sugar (or glucose). The higher the GI of a food, the faster it is expected to increase blood sugar levels. SUGAR and WHITE BREAD have the highest possible GI sccore of 100. All other foods are scored from 1-100 depending on how they compare to sugar and white bread....(I don't know about you, but that throws up a red flag to me! Sounds like we don't need to eat much sugar and white bread!) I know, they sure taste good. Don't worry, you don't have to eliminate them from your diet. We will talk below about ways to combat those high GI foods! Unlike foods with a high GI that cause spikes in blood sugar - leaving us feeling tired and hungry - foods with a low GI are absorbed SLOWLY in the bloodstream, allowing a slow and consistent rise and fall in blood sugar (our bodies prefer to be in a more 'stable' state such as this....your body functions much more efficiently with a stable blood sugar level.)GL gives us a clearer description of HOW MUCH sugar is available from a food.

GL is categorized into ranges on a scale: 0-10=low; 11-19=medium; 20+ = high. So it's best to take GL into consideration too. BUT neither GI nor GL take into account the nutrients in food, which can be very important too! Take into consideration these examples:Carrots: HIGH GI (92) but LOW GL (4) - they release sugar into the blood stream quickly, but only have a small amount of sugar in the first placeWatermelon: HIGH GI (72) but LOW GL (4) - since watermelon is mainly water, it contains little sugar per servingCandy Bars: with minimal nutrients, these typically have low GIs but at least MEDIUM level GLs - that means quick rise in blood sugar, and little to offer you in the way of efficient fuel

2. Keep your food journal and watch for BLT's. Bites, licks and tastes those all add up and once you log those you may find out why your weightloss isn't as much as you think it should be.

3. Watch your sodium intake. It makes you retain water and it causes you to be more likely to have high blood pressure.

Fitness Challenge:

1. 12 minute mile for ALL by the end of October.
2. If you can do a 12 minute mile, look to drop 3o seconds to 1 minute off of your mile time.
3. Attend 80% of all StrollerFit or restore the core classes offered.
4. Check you BMI (body mass index) and try to drop it by 2% by the end of October.
5. Try to lose 1 inch around your waist, biceps and hips.

good luck!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The first day of school

Well the first day of school went EXCELLENT. Jake didn't cry..yep I did. He was so grown up. On the way to school in the car, he told Max not to yell for him in the car because he wouldn't be there...but he was coming back. It seemed like an eternity until pick-up time...when he came out he proclaimed that he was good today and he was so proud of himself. Max had a tough time without Jake. He freaked out in childcare at the YMCA and yelled for Jake a lot of the time. All in all a great day. Congrats to Griffin who also did well today.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Jake's new personal best

Well folks...Jake is hot on the tail of some of you for an average mile time. He ran the Harvest Home 1 mile before the race in 11 minutes. I couldn't have been more proud. He didn't stop...he thought about it but a very kind Cheviot policeman told him to keep going so he kept at it.

On another note: Thank you for all of your prayers for Brian's mom and his family. The surgery went well. They removed her spleen, part of her colon, the lining of her liver, the lining of her diaphragm, her omentum and a pelvic tumor. The masses have been sent off to be biopsied and hopefully by Monday or Tuesday they will know what they are dealing with. She is in the ICU but is expected to be out by the end of the weekend to a normal room. She will be in the hospital for about a week and a half.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The times are changing

As I sit here and blog about this, I am thinking that most of you are going to think that I have lost my mind. My youngest will be one in a matter of minutes and my oldest will start pre-school in a couple of weeks. So my mommy role is changing a bit and quite honestly it is freaking me out. Forever, I have been able to control who my oldest talks to, spends time with, plays with and how he behaves. Now I have to let go a little and let him go to school. Questions are pouring into my head. What if kids are mean to him? What if he is bad? What if he uses the poopy word at school? What if he doesn't have the right shoes? What if he has an accident which he hasn't done in almost a year? What if he does something that makes people think I am a bad mom. What if, what if what if? I have a problem with worrying about things I can't control and this is one of them. I am also going to miss Jake for the hours he is gone. Jake and I have been business associates for three years. He has always come along with me to Strollerfit, sometimes to restore the core and often times to the office. His schedule has been modified to meet mine and mine to his. I think my problem is that sometimes I need Jake, more than he needs me. The same goes for Max. I gave up my profession, the ability to contribute financially to our family income and my identity as a professional to be a MOM. I wouldn't trade it for the world, but as my kids become more independent, they will seemingly need me less. That kind of freaks me out.

I addressed this with my friend, Sarah, who recently moved to Nashville. I can pretty much tell her anything without her thinking that I am going nuts. She said some of the same things. She has stayed home for 10 yrs... all the time running errands with her kids and planning her day around them. When they moved she found out that her kindergartner would be going to school all day. She said she flipped out. What was she going to do with only one kid at home all day.

A mom's role changes on a daily basis and milestones cause moms to change more. I guess the one thing that remains is that the day we all became moms we knew the most important job was to love our kids no matter what. I do know that I am good at that job.

In health,


Medal Count

Anyone know the total Olympic medal count for the USA? Oh yes and I have been leading all of you down the wrong path on have to sign into my acct to blog so if you are interested shoot me an email and I will give you the proper sign in...sorry...beginner blogger error!

Friday, August 22, 2008

A word from Sarah in the Western Hills class

Hey all...see below...Sarah wanted me to forward this to all of you.

Hi Katie,

Not sure if you remember me talking about how I had to go to an orthopedic surgeon a few weeks ago...well, I did and my MRI shows severe stress injury. He said I was about 2 weeks from a full blown fracture and being on crutches for 3 months.

Unfortunately, this means I won't be able to continue with StrollerFit for at least a few months. I am not allowed to do basically anything for a month. I am only allowed to walk (short distances) and do upper body/core strengthening.

I see him again in a month to see if there is improvement and if so, I will have to complete his "back to running" 8 week program to get my legs and knees strong again.

I am so depressed about this. I had FINALLY found something that made working out fun, and I was starting to feel my body get more in shape. It was a perfect fit for me. I was crying to my doctor and I think he thought I was wacko, but having a baby totally changed my body and I was finally determined to get it back into shape. I was so excited to start running the 5Ks with you all.

Anyways, sorry this is a novel. I am just very upset about it, but wanted to let you know how thankful I am for everyone's support in the short month I was in the program. It's a great group of women, and I'm sad I can't be a part of it for now. I was going to write on your blog to thank everyone for pushing me, but couldn't figure out how to post. Just please extend my thanks to everyone. Hopefully I will be emailing you again in a few months.


Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Jo Lo...really are you kidding me?

I was just reading a blog written by someone who interviewed Jo Lo. Jo Lo commented that Michael Phleps was no big deal...really are you kidding me? The reason behind this was because she said she is a mom of 6 month old twins and she is training for a triathlon. is my beef....Jo Lo has trainers, nannies, nutritionists, coaches...she has it all, so how is she different than any other celebrity. I am sure that Michael has this too, however until recently he didn't have millions and an entourage. So who is she to talk about how difficult training is. Training for any race or event is difficult...but honestly let's celebrate the regular Joe or Jane who has to train and find or pay a sitter or train in the middle of the night or at 4am or better yet who pushes her kids in the stroller while running or who pulls them in a trailer while biking.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Finally found a punishment that works...

Most of the time my three year old is a great kid. Listens well, sits in the stroller does what he is told. But sometimes he tries to push the envelope and I finally found the answer for what to do. I have threatened to take away toys put him in time name it his little hard head just finds a way to aggrevate the situation more. So yesterday, he kept whining and very quietly I asked him to come to me, I took his hand led him to the corner and made him put his nose in the corner and stand there. Ok...I think he was shocked there was no yelling involved and he stood there and then apologized...super nanny would be so proud.

Staying the course

Everyday I get up and have the best intentions to workout in some fashion. Most of the time it is StrollerFit class and then restore the core. However, some days I like to power walk with the kids in the stroller and go on an adventure with them. That being said...this week my mom is at home because she had ankle surgery and we are hanging out there all day helping her get around the house and I have made some of the biggest excuses why NOT to exercise.

I am really frustrated with myself, but I just don't have the drive this determination in the words of my late grandpa no how do you find the drive when it is just not there. I will let you know during the next post b/c I haven't found it yet :)

In health.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Is there a silver lining to Dara's silver medal?

So as much as we cheered for her to get gold, it just wasn't meant to be. Is there a silver lining? I would say most definately. Dara and the Americans did an awesome job. Dara has defined motherhood by Olympic definition. We should all be proud to be moms. As I always say...believe achieve repeat. Dara did this and she rocks!

Saturday, August 16, 2008


My oldest son knew who Michael Jordan was before he was two. He could pick out the Michael Jordan logo on anything even before that. I guess to some Michael is a hero, he could dunk like no one else, he made a presence on and off the court...he was just an all around great basketball player. But I don't know that I would call him an athletic hero. He gets paid millions still for clothing that has the signature jump man and has mansions all over the country.

The olympics have brought about some heroes in my mind. Of course Michael Phelps...who my three year old jumps up and down on the couch and SCREAMS go Michael go Michael and Dara Torres. We had a camp out in my husband and my room last night. Jake was supposed to sleep in his tent but of course ended up in my bed. In the dark with the light of the tv illuminating his face he watched Dara Torres qualify. I explained to Jake that she was a mom, much older than the rest of the field and that she trained very hard to show the world what moms of every age can achieve if they put their minds to it. She is my hero.

I guess hero can be defined anyway you want it to, but the biggest heroes in my life are the moms and dads who everyday strive to raise the best children possible, lead a decent life, have some type of faith and walk an honest path. My heroes definately include Dara Torres, but also all of the moms in my stroller fitness class, StrollerFit and those moms who work daily at being the best mom and role model there is in this world. All moms should get gold medals...if Dara wins gold I think she will have a gold that all moms should be proud of.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

I love the olympics

The olympics are could possibly be one of my favorite things. The opening ceremonies always make me shed a tear or two. The representation of nations where shoes are a true luxury is always so awesome to see. I think about the athletes having to struggle to find a way to get to the olympics...but they find a way. I would imagine some of the most impoverished countries trade goats or other livestock for shoes and transportation. I would love to see their faces when they step on the plane for the first time and it was a true thrill to see them walk into olympic stadium aka "the bird's nest" and hearing the crowd cheering. These athletes are truly heroes. Their training is often scattered because of lack of facilities and coaches. They often run on dirt roads with no shoes. Which brings me to this my friends...

We live in the wealthiest country in the nation. We are offered opportunities for exercise and fitness at every corner. So why do some of us not take that opportunity. Don't you think the athletes from the poor nations would love to have what we have. Just something to think about next time you don't think you want to run or want to instead watch tv. One of the best gifts that America has given us is the freedom to do it and stop making excuses.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Fat Max is so happy that it is summer. He is truly a great little guy.

Jake loves his 5k races. This one was a 4 miler a

a little too long for three year old legs.

Happy summer. I feel like I have been blogging and not givng info about the goings on. So for those of you who read this for StrollerFit type will have to bear with me. Our summer has been great, well until recently. Jake and Max LOVED Florida and the beach and of course Disney. What a great place to go if you want to feel like a kid again. Jake has learned to jump off of the diving board and swim to the side....this is a HUGE deal because he is no longer crying when he is in the pool. He is a true fish. Jake has also done 2 5k races...and has his sights on whatever we run next. He is such a determined little boy, sometimes it is scary. Finally, he started riding his bike without training wheels....who would've thought that would happen at three?

Max is great. He has the best little disposition and is so easy going. He has a little hot streak when he gets mad and I am going to say he comes by that honestly. Still has only two teeth and will be 11 months next month.

We are going to miss our great friends when they move to Nashville...but it will be a great adventure for them and their family. Also, they have the neatest half marathon in the spring there...there is truly nothing like Tennessee hospitality and kindness. I kind of envy them for their new start and their new outlook on life. However, Jake is going to miss his buddies and I am going to miss my friend. Everyone should have one friend who grounds you, who doesn't let you get out of control, who makes you really mad at times and then everything is fine. It is hard to find a friend like that and as an only child I was super lucky to find her. However, as she has said she will be one phone call away....Cincinnati Bell wireless is going to love us :)

Keep Brian's family in your prayers as his mom goes through this difficult time.

We will be posting more of our late summer adventures. Remember to believe achieve and then repeat. Goals are yours for the taking.

In health,


Monday, July 21, 2008

Life back to normal ?

My mother in law has the big "c". ...for those of you who are confused that means cancer. It is in the appendix (1 % of the population gets this) and it is in her abdomen. They are going to do a procedure in the next month called a de-bulking surgery. They will basically cut out all of the cancer...which means she will lose part of her colon and most likely her spleen...then they will dump hot chemo on the area and treat it. So any keep praying.

But the blog is back about the food:

Exercise: StrollerFit and restore the core

Breakfast: blueberries and a low fat mozerella cheese stick
Lunch: spinach salad no dressing with turkey and blueberries and a tomato
Dinner: Chicken cutlett, cauliflower and beans with a little bit of cheese.

Not bad at all. Hey, MB got my protein in :)

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

No "Lake-ation"

Yep we are supposed to be on Lake-ation as Jake has been calling it, our annual pilgrimage to Lake Norris in Tennessee. As of Friday evening that was cancelled, then on again, now obviously off again. Brian's mom got sick and now is in the hospital...she has pretty nasty infection in her abdomen from what they believe is appendicitis..but they also hinted (ok not really) suggested there is a cancer there too. So my week of relaxation has become a week of worry for my husband and his mom.

However, emotional eaters I want you to know that I have not jumped into the chocolate or crap that is good. If you can find something good with all of this.

Keep her and her family in your prayers.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Swim lessons, class, where does the day go

ok..since the holiday my eating has stunk with a capital S. I haven't been eating a great deal but the junk I am putting in my mouth is not good.

Breakfast none
Lunch: cheerios with blue berries
snacked on a few chips, cheetos and doritos...only had a few of each
Dinner: piece of pizza and a beer
more diet coke today than needed.
Exercise: Restore the core

Anyway, how do some super moms do it? Today I had my oldest in swim lessons, my youngest was screaming..I am sure he was hungry but the formula was in the car...all I had on me was a peanut butter and jelly which I gave to my 10 month old...ok all the moms who just gasped I know he is now going to have a peanut allergy but desperate times definately called for desperate measures. I spent the very expensive half an hour swim lesson bribing my oldest to kick and pull with his arms. Funny enough he swam across the pool no problem...are you freaking kidding me. Total overload.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Back on track

The holiday weekend is I am hoping to get back on track with the blog. I didn't do too poorly this weekend, except for homemade mac n' cheese. Otherwise it went pretty well. I did snack on things that I shouldn't have but I didn't have too many chips or dip.

Exercise. I ran on Sunday we did a lot of hills and inclines (my legs are killing me).

Jake is riding a two wheeler alone. That is the biggest part of our weekend.

Thursday, July 3, 2008


I just realized that some StrollerFit owners are reading the blog...that is really cool. I wanted to share this with you from one of my participants. There are days when I think going back to my job as a physical therapist would be far easier and 1/2 the work and then I get things like this. Enjoy the read and grab a tissue.

I never did a day of exercise. That's not to say that I didn't try--sort of. I joined some exercise classes in college, but I stood in the back row and felt ridiculous/ I bought roller blades when they were popular and broke my tail bone. I dieted once down to a size 6 and was happy enough with my size, but I wasn't in any kind of shape---my exercise then was to twitch---I read that naturally skinny people stayed thin because they couldn't sit still, so when I talked on the phone I tapped my foot.. I was very similar to Bridget Jones of the diary fame. > > > > A friend of mine joined stroller fit, so I thought if she could go, I could go. I had been interested in it before, but I felt a little intimidated. I made up my mind, and decided it was now or never on a cold day last March. My baby was 11 weeks old and I had a two year old. I don't know how I got there---I was still trying to figure out how to get two kids ready, I had just started back to work, did I take the baby in his car seat and then put him in the jogger?After a few tries the answer was yes--take him in the carrier. It rained every time I went. I was ready to be done after the warm up. I could not keep up with the fit girls---not even close. I felt ugly, and fat, and so out of my element. But I kept going. I took lots of advil. I cried and cried because I thought everyone was making fun of me--always two laps behind. But I realized they would only make fun of me if I quit--and I realized it would never be any harder than the first day. I kept going. And then one day I didn't walk at all. And then one day I wasn't last. > > What I didn't know at the time, was just how important this exercise would be to me. I knew I needed to have energy to keep up with two small boys, and I knew turning 40 it wouldn't be any easier, Slowly, but surely my weight melted away. My body changed--people think I am skinny. I was always the fat, funny friend people liked to have around--not the petite athletic one I am today. I ran a mile today teaching my oldest how to pedal a two wheeler. I ran a 5k race with my sister--the skinny marathoner--and now we run them all the time. I just didn't think it was possible. > > I also didn't think it was possible ;that the rest of my life would turn out the was it has--I had know idea that my husband would lose his mind and leave me. I just can't believe it. I am alone with two small children, a full time job, and the laundry and the yard work and the cleaning and bathtime,and........if it weren't for strollerfit I would not make it through. So maybe I 'll do a triathalon, or maybe I 'll be able to do a 5k with my stroller. I guess nothing is impossible.

oops forgot to blog

ok Tues and Weds are a blur. Here is what I know...without breakfast I crumble. No breakfast yesterday and I went to the office and had a handful of m&m's and some of Jake's cheetos at lunch. Tuesday I did pretty well except for a cookie or two. I am hoping to stay on track today. I have no clue about Brian he is a blur to me, we pass when I leave for class and he comes home from work and after the kids are in bed one or the both of us are asleep on the couch.

Exercise for me:
Tuesday: RTC class no cardio
Weds: nothing

The Human Race put on by Nike. There isn't one in Cincinnati but I have been training and uploading my training to have one of those nifty little chips. Anyway, the race is on 8.31.08 and I am trying to get some people together to run the 6.2 miles. So if you are interested let me know.

Blog at you later.

Monday, June 30, 2008

Emotional eaters...I think I am your leader

When the phone rings at a little before 8:00am I usually know it is someone wanting to know about class or bad news. Today was no different. My home phone rang (by the way some days I forget that I have a home phone) around 8:00am and the news broke my heart. The news isn't important but what I did after I got off of the phone is a direct reflection of my eating style. I got off of the phone and immediately went to the cookie jar. Nice fresh homemade chocalate chip cookies and they were all mine. So on my funky days I just eat to make myself feel better not good, but if you do the same thing...obviously you aren't alone.

2 cookies
Lunch: Turkey wrap some fritos and a diet coke
Snack: cheerios with a peach
Dinner: Turkey wrap and blueberries
1 miller lite.

strollerfit and restore the core

Brian fell asleep with Jake so I will blog on him tomorrow.

Have a great nite.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

At least I ran this weekend....

Well, I was going to plead the fifth and not tell you what I ate this weekend but that wouldn't be fair. But here it is:

Saturday: I ran Hyde Park Blast in the heat and humidity and was soaked by the time I was done. I took a iced tea lemonade from a very kind man handing out samples at the end of the race, I thought it was diet, it wasn't and it cost me 210 calories. (Lesson learned 210 calories is a ton for a drink). Lunch half of a grilled cheese and a peach. Dinner mexican meatballs. They were excellent it was all of the fixings for a taco in a meatball. Also, some fruit and some chips. No pop today...yipeee!!!!! Then we went to West Fest and I had some (ok more than some beer) I can't tell you how much because my glass kept getting filled, but it was a good deal of beer. By the way for those of you who know me well, I did NOT stop at White Castle on the way home even though little hamburgers sounded like a really great idea.

Brian had the same dinner as I had. He also at a tuna fish sandwich (MB you would be proud he had protein) a coke, and some pretzels.

I had to run my hangover off so I agreed to meet the boss and run downtown. Neither of us were motivated so it was a good idea for us to run together b/c we pushed each other to do it. We were running the middle of a triathlon (well, duathlon b/c the swim was cancelled due to the ecoli being too high in the river...who want to swim in the river that is really gross). Anyway, I was once again stunned by the different body types participating in the race. It was great people watching too.

No breakfast I can't eat before I run. So brunch was scrambled eggs.
Black bean and corn salsa with chips for lunch and a snack
Fajita chicken and bean salad with salsa for dinner.
No beer and no pop.

French toast for Brian (1 piece)
Lunch cheese and crackers
Dinner: Garlic chicken breast on a salad with ranch and a few croutons.
No pop today.

All in all not a terrible weekend.

We have been getting comments all of the time about the blog. Feel free to comment here or put your food log on here.

Until tomorrow...

Friday, June 27, 2008

If it weren't for the evenings...

Ok...I will admit that I do great all day long and then when my day comes to a lull about 8:00pm or so I go nuts. Today is no different.


Breakfast: Oatmeal and strawberries
Lunch: Turkey wrap with 2 cheetos from Jake and a water
Snack: Cheerios with a peach
Here comes the crap:
3 miller lites
3 pieces of pizza (thin crust)
doritos and chips

Exercise: Class today and swimming with my kids all day.


He doesn't do meals so here it is:
5 pretzel rods
1 soda pop
crackers (5)
chocolate milk
5 glasses of water
1 slice of pizza
doritos and chips
Exercise: swimming with my kids tonite.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

No rain in days, but today when I decide to run....

ok..dont' we have enough obstacles in life. Went to the optional cardio get together that we have on Thursday mornings...where were you my friends? Did 3.6 miles of power walking/jogging kids in tow in the stroller. Decided that it would be an excellent night to run to my husband's softball game and since that generally means beer and some coneys it was an easy decision. I drive to where I decided to start running from with the end point being the ball field, 4.5 easy miles. I saw it getting dark but I could out run it, right! Ha ha ha. I was completely poured on but I was half way there not knowing to go back or not. Then it really started raining really really hard and that is when I decided to stop at the church and wait for someone to come get me. So run time wasted and no beer or cheesy fries at the ballpark. I do want to thank the number of Our Lady of Visitation folks who stopped on the street and offered to give me a ride...that was very very kind.

Katie's Day:

Exercise listed above

Breakfast: oatmeal and strawberries water
Lunch: two peaches and a diet coke
Snacking: 3 pretzel rods, 2 doritos
Dinner: a coney and skyline crackers with a diet coke
Ok so not a great day.

Brian's Log:
No exercise except running from the softball field in a terrential downpour.

Breakfast: nothing
Snacking: 2 cans of mt. dew and 1 can of coke
Lunch: 1.5 oz of cheese its and a banana
Dinner: 1 coney
Snacking again: 4 pretzel rods, 2 slices of cheese and crackers

If Rachel is reading this she is laughing out loud about the pop thing.

Until tomorrow...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Day One

Breakfast real oatmeal (whole oats, not instant) with blueberries. water

Lunch blueberries and a peach with peanut butter on a half of a banana. water

Snack: cheerios with a peach. iced tea

Dinner: 2 pieces of mushroom pizza. diet coke

1 miller lite

Exercise: StrollerFit and restore the core class.

Brian is going to update tomorrow. He didn't want to reveal today.

Have a great evening.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

The big day tomorrow

Well I must admit that I ate pretty crappy today so that when I start blogging tomorrow it will hopefully be a tad bit better. Here is the newest addition to the contest, my husband is going to blog about his eating and exercise habits also for the next 6 weeks. If anyone in our family is reading this, they are already betting he is going to try to give up soda pop AGAIN. Anyway, we will see how day one goes. At least I am in the company of my fellow StrollerFit gals on this one.

Not much for this, but here it is.

Some of the StrollerFit gals are participating in a summer challenge. I will post my challenge here. I will let everyone know my food journal, my exercise and my snacking habits. I will not reveal weight (I don't have a scale) but I will let you know if my skinny minny pants fit by August 1. So check back tomorrow for the first day of journaling. This should be fun, at least for all of you.

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Old Blogs but worth the read...

These are blogs from the hip to be mom website.

May 13, 2008 I just finished reading Fitness Magazine's article about Elizabeth Hasslebeck and how she got her pre-baby body back after only SEVEN weeks. It went on to explain she has a coach, a nutritionist a name it she had it. Is that really fair? In the land of Hollywood it is, but she really doesn't deserve to be on the cover of a magazine and claim that she lost all of her weight without dieting. I have and never will understand why fitness and health magazines can't celebrate the everyday mom. The mom who if she wants to train for a marathon or race pushes her kid(s) in a single, double or even triple jogger. The mom who if she wants to train for duathlon or triathalon puts her kids in the bike trailer and tows them along for her 20 plus mile ride, all of the time promising treats if her kids will just be good for another mile. Or how about the mom who gets up at 4:00am so that she can hit the pool or run because that is the only time that she has. I could go on and on. I am the ordinary everyday mom. I just got back from riding my bike with my kids in the trailer, promising my three year old the entire way that I would get him an icecream when we were done. I also am the mom that runs with my double jogger to train for races sometimes with both kids screaming. Why? The answer is simple, I am an athlete, I am a mom and I believe that you can be both with a little drive and determination. I am setting great examples for my kids. My three year old just ran a 1.2 mile race in 17 minutes and loved every minute of it. He loves to be in the bike trailer and tells me to pick up the pace. Today he asked me where the gas went in to the bike, I explained that my legs were the gas and then he asked about the engine, I explained that it was my heart. He asked a hundred questions in the course of my ride all of them being answered to the best of my ability. My running and riding time with my kids provides a time for conversation with my three year old and me, time I won't get back, time uninterrupted by tv or pleas to go outside and ride his bike or fish. It is time that I cherish. Until next time, happy mothering.

May 18, 2008 Believing in yourself is 99% of the battle. Today I watched many athletes participate in a triathlon, duathlon and 5k run walk. Many of the tri and du'ers were newbies...very nervous about everything from where to rack their bike to how cold was the pool (54 degrees to be exact..better wear a wetsuit). I watched people who if I saw them out in public, I would never guess them to be any type of athlete. However, they got to the start line and once you are there you can't turn back or at least you shouldn't . I watched a friend achieve a personal best...which she should be able to do all of the time but she didn't believe in herself until today. Believing is achieving and my hope is that everyone believes enough in themselves to get to some type of start line. It doesn't have to be a race or anything athletic...just start something you believe in and achieve it. By the way, my three year old believed he could do a 5k and well you guessed it he did in 54 minutes. Believe Achieve Repeat.

The Aquarium

My kids spent the night with my parents this weekend and we ended up with an aquarium. I am not sure what happened to plain old goldfish in a bowl, but that seems to be something of the past. So we have a 10 gallon aquarium with of course a pirate boat, five dogs and some pond fish...I think we are full now...we may even have a small zoo working. Anyway, just a reminded to those of you out there...Hyde Park Blast a 4 mile run to benefit cancer research is next Saturday...their shirts always say "cancer sucks" which is so very true and a great message. Also, the Sayler Park village run on July 12th in Sayler Park. I will keep you all posted on more races. Finally, I am moving the posts from the hip to be mom site to this site so there will be some old posts up today.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Wedding is done time for summer training

Well the wedding was a huge success. They married couple really had a gorgeous wedding and the best part it was only 20 minutes long which was really nice. Anyway, now that the wedding is over the entire family has no excuse not to exercise. So starting Sunday it is back on track. I proposed this evening at dinner that we eat out only 1 time per month and make a vow to exercise together at least twice per week. StrollerFit gals who are following this have their biggest loser program started too. So with the exception of another week long vacation coming up in July we should be back on track.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Well it is wedding day for my brother in law and these are the days that stress me out. My two little guys have to be on their best behaviour and they didn't do so well last night at the rehersal dinner. So hopefully with LONG naps and a little ( ok who are we kidding) a lot of bribery they will be ok. These are also the days that I really need a nanny. My husband is in the wedding and has been gone for a couple of hours by now and I have to get the kids ready on my own. So baths for everyone and nothing sticky or red to eat or drink until tomorrow. Hopefully, I will make it to the wedding in my newly washed black dress and not have spit up on me but who are we kidding. Just throw up a prayer that my hair behaves...I had plans for an appt but didn't want to make the kids sit while I had my hair done so my great hair styling will have to work. Baths at you later.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The best intentions....

Well, I decided that today I would wake up do laundry and then finally get back into the swing of things working out on off StrollerFit days. When I was on vacation I worked out religiously, but that hasn't been so in the days I have been back. Laundry was being done and I couldn't leave...I was on a roll...that is until I realized that the the dress I am wearing to my bro-in-law's wedding this week had made it into the laundry pile after the great closet organizer collapse while we were on vacation. I could have really died. Looked at the tag, dry clean only. It seems to have weathered the storm, but needless to say laundry stopped. On to the pool, because well it is the summer and my oldest loves to swim. I am so glad that we did that since he has decided to try swimming without any floatation device. It was a great day to try too since we were the ONLY ones at the pool. The rest of the day was restore the core class, haircuts and returning business no cardio today, just core. At least something was done. Hopefully will get back into the swing of things tomorrow. If only there were 30 hours in a day.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Welcome to my blog

I started blogging awhile ago on my website but thought that I could hopefully help more people by blogging here. My name is Katie. I own a StrollerFit franchise. What is StrollerFit? It is an exercise with your baby concept that helps mom gets back into pre-pregnancy shape. There is also a class format called restore the core which helps moms get rid of the pesky low belly sag. Anyway, StrollerFit has been a godsend for me and a number of my friends. Some of my friends have lost over 100 lbs with the class. Others are finding that they are making friendships that are going to last a lifetime. Others are achieving goals that they never thought possible. StrollerFit is and has been more than a fitness class for so many moms. I am hoping that my blog can help other moms with fitness and motherhood and how the two can co-exist. Blog at you later.